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第6回 山小屋サミット@有楽町(5/11-12) →終了

今年も5/11(金)・12(土)の2日間にわたり、 東京・有楽町にて「山小屋サミット」が開催されます!

アウトドアメーカーや山小屋のブース、 豪華ゲストのトークショーや登山用品のバーゲンなど、 登山に関する情報が盛りだくさんです♪

当日は、蓼科山頂ヒュッテもブースを出展いたします! 詳細は下記リンクをご確認ください。

ぜひお気軽にお立ち寄りくださいませ! 会場でお待ちしております(^o^)

*** 【Mountain event in Yurakucho, Tokyo (May 11-12, 2018)】

One of the popular mountain events in Japan called "Yamagoya(Mountain lodges/cabins)Summit" will be held in Yurakucho, Tokyo on May 11-12!

There will be a lot of booths for famous outdoor gear and clothing companies, as well as mountain lodges/cabins from various regions of Japan! You can also enjoy talk shows with special guests and find climbing goods on sale, etc.

We, Tateshina Sancho Hutte, will also be running a booth to provide useful information.

It is such a rare and a very exciting opportunity for those who are interested in mountain-climbing!

Please see the below for event details and don't miss this chance!:)

■Date & Time: May 11th (Fri), 13:00-17:30 May 12th (Sat), 10:00-17:00

■Place: Tokyo Kotsu Kaikan (12F) (2-10-1 Yurakucho Chiyoda, Tokyo)

■Access 1.) 1 min on foot from Kyobashi / Chuo exit of Yurakucho station (JR Keihintohoku Line / JR Yamanote Line)

2.) 1 min on foot from D8 exit of Yurakucho station (Yurakucho Line)

■Fee: Free


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